Neo4j是一个高性能的NoSQL图数据库,将结构化数据存储在拓扑图上而不是表中,从而轻松地管理巨量的数据。Neo4j凭借嵌入式、高性能、轻量级等优势越来越受关注。 本书共15章,介绍图论和图数据库、Neo4j基础、Neo4j数据模型、Cypher入门、APOC和Cypher扩展、查询性能优化、Neo4j数据导入、空间、安全认证、Neo4j可视化、Neo4j数据重构、集群等内容,最后通过两大案例(推荐系统和影响分析与模拟)的讲解,使你获得图数据建模与设计的技能。 本书既可以作为Neo4j初学者的入门教材,也可以作为相关行业Neo4j技术专家的参考手册。
Rik Van Bruggen is the regional territory manager for Neo Technology for Benelux, UK, and the Nordic region. He has been working for startup companies for most of his career, including eCom Interactive Expertise, SilverStream Software, Imprivata, and Courion. While he has an interest in technology, his real passion is business and how to make technology work for a business. He lives in Antwerp, Belgium, with his wife and three lovely kids, and enjoys technology, orienteering, jogging, and Belgian beer.